I know it’s been a while but don’t worry… I haven’t forgotten you! This past month has been a whirlwind, I’ve been searching for a new job ever since the big move in July… without any success. 🙁 Which means that I have been interviewing like a mad woman, it’s been crazy y’all! This past month I’ve been working a sales job for a third party affiliate of Directv, it’s a decent job but really not for me. Unfortunately when you’re out of work you take what you can get… so I’ve been working 6 to 7 days a week for Directv, interviewing for new positions and still trying to find time to eat and sleep. Not to mention my hubby… he needs time too!
Well folks all the hard work has paid off, I finally landed a great job… that I’m actually excited about! Cue the angels singing, bring out the marching band… this gals got a brand (spanking) new job! When I got the phone call I was just a little excited…
Looking for a bunch of posts on painting? I’ve got you covered!
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What do you think? Excited? Technically I don’t start until December 1st, so I’m taking this time to brush up on decorating projects, spend time with the hubster, and maybe even decorate for Christmas… I know I know don’t go over board! This past week we’ve hit several antique stores, set up TWO wall murals and cleaned like crazy. The house is looking good y’all.
So what is this new job? Well I thought you’d never ask! I will be working full time as an Assistant Manager for Sherwin Williams. That’s right, the paint store. It’s kind of a weird job, in that I never would have thought of it… but it’s kind of perfect. I’ll be spending all of my time with paint. Something I’m strangely passionate about! The best part is that Sherwin Williams has always been known for selling paint to workers (you know contractors, painters, guys in overalls on ladders painting 20 houses a week) and while they aren’t going away from that, they are definitely moving in a new direction.
They see the housewives out there painting their homes, their furniture… anything that doesn’t run away fast enough (yes honey I’m talking to you 🙂 ) and they see the potential in incorporating us do-it-yourself types into the Sherwin Williams business. The man who hired me said we weren’t aiming for do-it-yourself gals, but do-it-right gals. I loved that phrase. The community of ladies I see in these blogs definitely falls into that category, we not only want to make our homes beautiful but we want them to last through husbands, kids, sleepovers, dodge-ball games, ballet recitals, living room forts… all the things our families love to do. That’s the point right, beautiful and low-maintenance? Do it once and be done with it, unless we WANT to re-paint it? Not because we HAVE to re-paint it?
The whole philosophy lines up perfectly with what I’m striving to do in my own life. To bring that decorating, painting, phenomenon to work with me everyday… well let’s just say I’m psyched. As an assistant manager I’ll do all of the things you’d think of in a paint store: stock shelves, mix paint, count inventory, but I’ll also get to help gals like you and me pick out colors, test products. Sherwin Williams has even introduced a decorator position into their stores. That means a decorator on staff to help with design dilemmas, do house calls, match paint to drapes and upholstery. In a small town (like here in lower Alabama) we won’t have a decorator on staff, that means as assistant manager I’ll be able to help fill that position… yay! I mean really any job that incorporates decorating is pretty much an A+ in my book! Maybe even after a few years as Assistant Manger I could move to being a decorator full time, now wouldn’t that be a dream!
I’m glad that things are finally falling into place, wish me luck as I start this new adventure! Here’s a sneak peak at the gorgeous new pillows my hubby bought me as a congratulations on the new job. Isn’t he just a peach?
PS. My dad finally found my camera… the GOOD one that I tucked away in his glove compartment for safekeeping last JULY. He assured me it wasn’t in his car… um hum tell me another one. Anyways it’s finally found, which means after Thanksgiving 2014 it will safely be back in my possession thanks to my little brother who is flying home for the holiday and will be bringing it back with him. So mark the date on your calendar because that means the end of blurry iphone pictures and back to the world of DSLR! Whoot Whoot.
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Looking for the perfect paint color? In several minutes a day I'll guide you from swatches to done in 6 days.
Can I just say that your website makes me smile every time I visit! The cheerful colors- the beautiful pictures!! Its such a happy place Kuddos to your blog designer!!!Thanks again for participating in my Designers Favorite Paint Colors series! I will be posting it next week- and will let you know when it goes live!
I wish you the best of luck with your job! I am leading a team of 10 guys and I can tell you that if you’re going to be a least 1/2 passionate about your work, as you’re about your blog, your boss will love you! 🙂 Oh and starting 1st of December….what a great break ahead of you. Enjoy it to the fullest! 🙂
You’re so sweet! Thanks for your amazing point of view… I am fairly passionate about my blog! So glad it shows! I actually started my new job last December… so it’s been a couple months! Either way it’s been a blast learning how to be an Assistant Manager and all about the paint industry! Thanks for stopping by!