There are two things in my home I just can’t WAIT to attack with paint. The first one is our kitchen cabinets while the second is our fireplace. Both are ugly and outdated, walking past them makes me want to scream! Since we live in a rental I have no clue if we’re even allowed to paint (and I’m slightly afraid to ask!) since we have so many projects I thought we would save those two large (permanent) projects until last, and focus on the projects we can pick up and take with us when we leave.
Several weeks ago the hubby and I were cruising through Michaels, looking at all of the pretty things 🙂 (Come on y’all know you do it to!) we reached the candle aisle and I looked forlornly at the tall white pillar candles. I turned to the hubby and said “one of these days I am going to buy a whole bunch of those bad boys to fill our fireplace with!”
Since we live in Alabama we NEVER use our fireplace (the hubbster is a virtual furnace so not only do we not use the fireplace, I rarely can convince him to turn off the air conditioner… Even in the winter! It’s horrible!) Since our fireplace is sooo horrible (at least to me) I figure a grouping of white pillar candles would spruce it up a bit.
Then I had an epiphany, seriously the angels started singing. I have an entire set of white pillar candles (6 tall ones, 4 small) from my wedding! That means I’ve already paid for them, and now I won’t have to sell them with the rest of the wedding supplies! Score!
The best part is that they have a little bit of sparkle, instead of the classic white pillar candle mine have a little bit of bling. I purchased them last year when Michales had a 75% off sale, only $3 for the large candle. I am ecstatic that I have a wonderful way to reuse them in my home, especially on a daily basis.
So what’s the consensus, pillar candles in place of a working fireplace, yay or nay?
Alex Turner says
Hi, Betsy
I think you should ask the landlord about painting the fireplace.
Hope, he won’t mind seeing as the house looks great with an awesome looking fireplace.
Those candle looks amazing. Also give the place a warm, awesome and cozy looks.