So I have been living in my new house for what… about a month and a half now? Yup almost two whole months and I’ll be happy to share that I haven’t unpacked a single box.
Nada. Zilch. Not one.
My mom has unpacked like 12… so that makes a grand total of 12 boxes unpacked. In almost 2 months.
That’s ridiculous.
Not to say I don’t have good reasons… I totally do! We used our first week in the new house to paint (ok three quarters of the way paint… we have half of one room left)… and then the fun began. First there was the week long trip to Colorado that we’ve had planned for months, then there was an unexpected trip to Kentucky when my hubby’s Grandma fell ill… then there was the week I was sick with the crud that I brought back from Kentucky.
See? Totally legit reasons! There was no way I was unpacking boxes while I was sick with the crud… trust me I was barely awake. Excuse my french but it sucked.
Why am I sharing all of this with you? In order to prepare you for the horror that you are about to see… my house. In all of it’s boxed up, stuff thrown everywhere, messy glory. I have a three day weekend coming up… with absolutely no plans. Not a one. So in an effort to hold myself accountable (and not spend my free time reading blogs and watching Netflix) I am sharing these horrible horrible pictures here. If all goes according to plan I will share my progress next week… I’m hoping to get at LEAST two rooms unpacked.
Here’s to hoping!
So without further ado… here is your first look at every single room in my new house.
I apologize.
I got a little bit of anxiety looking at all those boxes! LOL! Here is to a calm few weeks were you can pack away and organize the way you want to.
Thanks Kimberly… a calm few weeks is just what I need right about now!!
Messiest house but with some very clean rooms! Unlike my house which is pretty much all messy… 🙂 good luck with the rest!
Haha! I guess that’s the perk of not having much out in your house… not as much to clean! Thanks for stopping by Chelsie!
I know well – very well – this situation. But you’ve a new house and that’s the most important.
You’re completely right… and the logical side of my brain totally acknowledges that! The illogical side of my brain just wants it done NOW! Hahaha! Thanks for stopping by!
Congrats on your new house!!! Lovely! It will be so nice to be settled!
Thanks hon! Once we get unpacked I think we’re really going to like it here… I just don’t want to wait for the unpacked part!
Moving is the worst !!!! Ha my mom unpacked all mine i think I was horrible ! You got this you can do it and will feel amazing afterwards 🙂 you are not alone in the moving maddneas !!
My mom totally unpacked me the last two times… this time she’s been too tied up with her new job. Silly mom… doesn’t she know my house needs help? Hahaha… oh well we will get it done and then we will accomplished right? right! Thanks Laci!
I love your honesty. I think most people live like this (for awhile sometimes!) after they move. Here’s to a smooth unpacking!
A smooth unpacking… that’s exactly what I need! Thanks for the wishes Laura!
Oh man!! I grew up in with parents that liked to move…often! I think last I counted I had lived in like 19 different homes (that I could remember). I started to feel like a professional packer/unpacker at one point in my life. But now? I always say I will never move. haha! Especially now that Hubby and I have lived here for 8 years. And even more so now that we have a kid. Stuff accumulates fast! Wishing you all of the unpacking and organizing luck. I can’t wait to see your home come together.
That’s exactly how I am Crystal! I grew up army so I think I lived in 11 houses before I was 10… now that I’m married (and not in the army) I seem to have lost my touch! Or it might be the lack of free time! Either way… there’s too many boxes! Thanks for stopping by!
I’ve been in the same home for 19 years now, and that’s the longest ever in my 45 years of life, wow!! I have so much clutter, that sometimes I think “maybe if we moved I could get this clutter problem under control”. Probably not LOL. I do like your new house though! Very very pretty. The living room looks so cozy!
I have that same thought once every year or two “I’m starting to get too much stuff… oh well when I move I can weed it out!” That never happens though! Moving is so stressful that all the “weeding out” I think will happen turns into “just throw that crap in a box… we’ll deal with it later” and the cycle starts all over again! Haha! Thanks for stopping by!
Unpacking really is the worst…it took me like 3 months to be completely unpacked in my “main rooms” and about 6 months before I even touched my craft room–but I’m so glad I did, and you will be too, I’m sure!
I am dreaming of a finished craft room… one day! Hopefully one day soon… but it’s not looking good! The craft room and guest room are always the last to be set up! Thanks for stopping by Brittany! 😉
It takes a while to unfold into a new house. When I moved, there were some boxes that remained unopened for a year, and just got tucked away in the new basement lol. You’re in good company.
I wish I had a basement! I could throw all the boxes down there! I hate having my things packed up so moving is always hard for me… I just want to get things unpacked NOW! I’m a highly impatient person when it comes to my house! Haha… oh well it will get done when it gets done!
Give yourself time. It will come together 🙂
Thanks Rachel… you’re so sweet!
I don’t envy you AT ALL, I hate moving! Good Luck 🙂
Tell me about it… moving really stinks! I just have to keep telling myself “it’s almost over…. it’s almost over”
I hate moving! Just take it one room at a time! I’ve been in my house for 7 years and I still have unpacked boxes in my guest room closet! I can’t wait to see everything come together!
If I could just get through one or two rooms I would be happy! I just never seem to have the time… or feel good enough! Stupid flu!
I’m the slowest unpacker ever! I really hate unpacking, it can get exhausting. I know it took us a long while before we completely got unboxed. Take your time, it will eventually get done!
You are so right Artney… it is completely exhausting! I’m thinking I’ll just tell the hubby to start taking everything out of boxes… then I can put it away!
Seriously, you do NOT have the messiest house. Not one bit! I always tell myself that you’re allowed to have boxes for a while after you move in to a new space, so you are able to get everything just the way you want it! 😉
I feel much better now that I know about that rule Tiffani! Mainly I just hate feeling unsettled… boxes make me unsettled. Yuck.
I hate, hate, hate moving. I wish you all the luck that you get unpacked and settled in soon.
Thanks Shann Eva! You’re always such a sweetheart!
Not a big fan of moving. The good thing is that as you go along you try to empty a few boxes each day and get one room somewhat set up. Hang in there! Baby steps lead to a fun, exciting journey!
Great advice Jonathan… baby steps. I always try to take big giant dinosaur steps… it’s no wonder nothing ever gets done! Hahahaha!
oh that is rough! That must be so rough to have to try to get though all of this with sick folks and you getting sick as well. I hope you are on the road to a box free zone home soon
Thank you! Being sick really is the worst part of it all…when I have a day off I just want to sleep and try to feel better… not unpack a whole house!
Never a need to rush, it’s always best to take your time and go at your own pace for unpacking!
That’s what I hear Curtis… I’m just worried that my own pace will be 5 years! Haha! Thanks for stopping by!
Ah moving! lol it’s a love hate relationship
Heavy on the hate right now… I know we’ll love it once we get settled but at the moment. yuck! Thanks for stopping by Maya!
I wish you all the luck that you get unpacked and settled in soon.
Thanks Hon! I’ll take all the luck I can get!
My house looked like that for weeks when we first moved in. It was so tiring, especially that I was the only one doing the unpacking and arranging.
You know my pain! The hubby has been out of town for almost 2 weeks… so I’m the only one doing anything around here! Maybe once he gets back it will go smoother… but I doubt it. He’s kind of part time help! Haha
This is a tough job. Just take it slowly and you’ll get there.
Thanks for the encouragement! It’s hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel sometimes!
MOVING!! the worst!! Good luck with unpacking everything.. Plan a party in a month… this way you have to get it done!
Ohhh a party! I like the way you think 😉 That might actually work… hum…
I do have to agree that moving is the worst. I hate unpacking boxes. Then, I unpack a bunch, leave a few, and realize I didn’t even need the stuff in those last boxes.
That’s what happened in my last house! The five last boxes that sat in my guest room for a year ended up being total crap… funny how that works?! Thanks for stopping by Stephanie!
Oh no. I’m a crazy lady when it comes to unpacking. Packing? Is a different story. We are moving September 1st and I have packed maybe 5 boxes so far. Unpacking I do within a day or two of moving, so I can’t wait for that.
I just wish I had a couple days of uninterrupted time to unpack like a crazy person! Good luck with your upcoming move… packing really is the worst!
The messiest house ever, but its yours! you can do as you please without asking anyone for permission. Enjoy
You are SO correct! It’s so nice to do whatever we like all the time! Haha… within reason of course but still! Thanks for stopping by Sacha!
Unpacking can take forever! We moved in to the house we are in in Dec of 2013 and I still have things packed up. We weren’t originally planning on staying here for long, we need more space, but we wanted to be in St Pete instead of Tampa…anyways part of me wanted to unpack everything right away but I ended up doing it room by room and piece by piece. Ill have pack and unpack again soon but I cant wait! 🙂
As long as you’re excited, that’s what really matters! We will (hopefully) be staying here for the next three years… but we thought that at the last house and my work moved us after a year! So who knows! I think that’s the most frustrating part… I don’t want to be here for 6 months and still have boxes because if we have to move in another year I won’t have any “not packing/unpacking” time! haha! oh well… such is life! Thanks for stopping by Bernadette!
Unpacking is so daunting and time consuming!
Tell me about it! It’s one of those “I’m way to overwhelmed to start” kind of things! Haha! Thanks for stopping by hon!
Don’t feel too bad about your lack of unpacking… my husband and I bought our house about three years ago and I just unpacked our last box a few months ago. Talk about ridiculous! I was just going to toss everything in it since we obviously didn’t need that stuff for so long, but I didn’t. Because I am a pack rat.
That’s okay Holly I am completely a pack rat too! Maybe that’s why I really don’t want to unpack haha! Congrats on getting that last box finished… that must feel like a million bucks!
Ughhh unpacking is the worst! I’ve been back from school for a month and just finished unpacking my stuff (and only because we were having people over and it was in the way). Perhaps a housewarming party would motivate you (or your mom) to finish unpacking? Good luck!
Mom is always motivated… she’s just busy! haha! I think we’re going to have to schedule a big house warming party… then the hubby and I can get our rears in gear! Thanks for stopping by Alex!
Congrats on the new house! We have lived in our home for three years now and there are still boxes that are in the garage that I’ve not unpacked. I’m tempted to just throw them out or donate them without looking in them because I obviously don’t need the items. But, I’m slightly afraid there is something sentimental or useful in there. Now with baby #2 on the way I’m needing to just get in there and get it done, but don’t have the energy! 2 Months is nothing! Looking forward to seeing the finished product!
Thanks for the encouragement Jenni! I guess I’m highly impatient! I know what you mean about those last couple boxes… it’s so tempting to just donate the whole thing! You never know what’s in the bottom of that box though… might just be something important! I guess that’s the whole dilemma huh?! Good luck getting everything done before baby #2 gets here… and congratulations!
Don’t feel bad. Whenever I move it takes me a very long time to unpack everything too. One of the bad things about moving.
Thanks for the support Victoria! I guess I need to give myself more time. I just want it done now! Haha!