When we decided to move across country (to be closer to family) we also came up with the bright idea that my Hubby would go first. He took all three fur babies and a 24 foot moving van full of our belongings and moved across country by himself… leaving me behind, sniff sniff. In all honesty we just couldn’t financially support a move with no income, so I stayed behind for two weeks to work while he moved ahead to find a job… and a place for us to live.
Now in Colorado we lived in a one bedroom, one bathroom crap hole… seriously it was horrible. So whatever he found for us couldn’t be that bad right? My friends thought I was crazy, I asked a co-worker if she would trust her hubby to pick out their house all by his lonesome and she said “When we were first married? No way!” Maybe I’m brave (maybe I’m stupid) but I sent him out into the world and then waited anxiously by my phone for any photos he remembered to take.
He sent hundreds of house pictures, some houses were great (but over budget), some were horrible (but under budget, ahhhh). Finally we came across a three bedroom, two bath house, with a huge living room for rent just outside of our targeted location. It wasn’t perfect but it was under budget, allowed pets, and didn’t require a co-signer… which had bitten us in the bottom on a previous offer. The hubby put in an application and soon enough we found ourselves the proud lessee’s of this fine establishment.
And after the one bedroom, one bathroom bachelor pad my hubby convinced me to move into in Colorado… it looked like a Castle!
Now I could have snapped gorgeous house pictures of our home in the before stages for all of you lovely folks in blog land to read (I’m hoping there’s someone out there, Anybody? Anybody? Bueller?) but what fun would that have been? Here are the very same photos my hubby sent me 2 months ago, the only visual I had for two weeks of what would be my very first house.
That’s right: tan and brown or as my husband says orange and brown (makes me wonder if he’s color blind, I mean orange?)
Large living room with brand (spanking) new tile, ceiling fan, exterior doors and fireplace (what I would give to paint that thing WHITE!)
The kitchen is also spacious with all new appliances: refrigerator, dishwasher, stove/oven combination, double sink & faucet, the works. The cabinets are just horrible, but if I can convince my landlord they may just receive a brand new coat of paint. The light fixture is awfully cute (even though it doesn’t satisfy my love of all things sparkly, I swear one day I will have a chandelier in every room of the house 🙂 ). The big win here was the window seat, I knew my kitties would LOVE to curl up in that thing! Turns out I was right, they actually fight over it. I swear there’s a cat laying in that spot 24 hours a day.
There’s nothing noteworthy about the bedrooms but there are THREE of them, for a gal moving out of a one bedroom apartment this sounded like heaven. I could have a Master Bedroom, Guest Room and Office (that means my desk and computer would be relocated out of the living room for the first time in three years! Score!)
That’s right folks a FENCED IN BACKYARD!!! For the last three years I have had to run up and down three flights of stairs every time Ms. Sassy Pants (Bitty) had to tinkle, now I just have to open the back door! She has room to run and loves to explore… plus one of these days she’ll be able to do all of that on her own, I’m talking doggy door people.
It’s not perfect but it’s our slice of heaven, we LOVE it. But tell me ladies would these photos convince you to take the plunge?