What is your guy currently:
I’m really gotten into Justified. It’s a TV show about a US Marshall… the series has since been canceled but I’m enjoying watching the past seasons on Netflix.
I’m really not currently reading anything. I was reading the Immortal Instruments books and before that i re-read all of the Eargon books… I haven’t found a new series that I liked in a long time so I typically just re-read books I’ve already read.
Listening to
I always have a wide range of music that I listen to. I don’t really subscribe to any one genre… I listen to everything but scream-o music! My favorite song at the moment is Brad Paisley’s “You’ll never leave Harlan alive” which is the theme song for Justified.
Dreaming of
I am dreaming of finishing my degree, having a job that pays more than minimum wage, having a clean house, winning the lottery, the eradication of all flea species and that’s about it at the moment!
Tonight? I ate a taco.
I am learning to be patient, a tad more responsible… how to referee younger kids basketball! I have been a referee for high school before but this year I started referring for a rec league… the younger kids are so full of energy! It’s a lot of running but there’s also a lot more disorganization than I’m use to… there’s no real offense or defense just a bunch of kids grouped around the ball. My favorite are the six year olds… they’ll dribble once and then hold the ball while running down the court. The coaches follow them yelling “Dribble the ball! Don’t just hold it!”
I wish that I could get back in shape and than I didn’t weigh so much. I wish I wasn’t always so tired.
Obsessed with
I’m with Betsy, she’s awesome. I’m also currently obsessed with Football since my team has officially made it to the Superbowl!
There’s a few things being planned right now… I’m planning to go on a cruse this summer with my Dad’s family. I’m planning to go back to school in the summer. I’m planning to go to bed… night y’all!
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