After putting together my last cruise scrapbook I’ve had sooooo many questions about my little sprocket printer. So I thought I’d sit down today and share an actual tutorial for how to use this little guy.
Don’t worry it’s super simple.
Start out by picking up a Sprocket Printer (I love the one with the rose gold!).
The first step is to load your paper… I picked up an entire pack of photo paper before I went on my cruise so I had a whole bunch.
Luckily each little pack of paper has a small blue sheet that tells you to load it facing down. The blue sheet will print through the little printer first and calibrate it for the actual photo printer.
Now that our paper is loaded it’s time for the technical stuff. I use my Mom’s phone to print on my Sprocket because my phone is super dead and needs an upgrade… but luckily my little Sprocket can connect to any phone with an app.
You just turn on the bluetooth (on your phone) and then turn on your sprocket!
When you hold down the button on the side of your Sprocket the little light will come on letting you know that it’s on and ready to be paired with your phone.
Easy peezy lemon squeezy.
Now all you have to do is go into your Sprocket app and pick your photos to print. Isn’t this fun?!
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