If you follow me on Instagram you know we had a fabulous weekend at the beach! It was my hubby’s first time on the sand in 15 years… so we had a complete blast! It’s Wednesday now so it’s back to the grind!
Which (for us) means back to unpacking! The hubby has developed a system for unloading the boxes… it goes like this: unpack all the boxes and put all the stuff EVERYWHERE! It’s actually a pretty good system… except that I’m suppose to be the second round hitter coming behind him and putting things away!
He just finished the living room and this week we are moving on to the kitchen… which means I need to get a kitchen game plan together quick!
So today I thought I would share all the fun kitchen organization tips and tricks I’ve found! Let’s see which ones make the final cut and appear in our bright green and red Christmas kitchen! Here’s the best tops I have on how to organize your kitchen!
Looking for a bunch of posts on organization & planning? I’ve got you covered! Click here to see all of my organization & planning posts in one place!
I absolutely love hanging pots and pans over your kitchen island… I’ve just never had a kitchen quite big enough for a hanging pot rack! We have a little tiny island in our new kitchen so it might be a possibility! How nice would it be to free up some cabinet space?
Especially if the drawer space is as organized as this little drawer (also from the fabulous Martha Stewart… can’t you tell the first two pictures are from the first kitchen?) I love how each utensil has it’s own little space! No more rummaging through drawers for a measuring cup with this drawer organizer!
Talk about something I love… if I’ve already admitted that my measuring cups have never been organized you definitely don’t want to peek under our sinks! I’ve had my eyes on these adorable pull out drawer organizers for under our bathroom sinks… but our kitchen sinks definitely need the star treatment as well! Look at how she arranges those sponges! Fabulous! Now you want to see how the rest of her cabinets look… don’t you?
I know we’ve all seen the measuring cup on the back of your cabinet door trick…. but really does it ever get old? First of all we’re using wasted space… and second of all we now have our measuring cups right at our fingertips! Complete with conversion chart! Plus we’ve freed up space in our drawer for other thingy-ma-gigs! Sounds important!
Of course we can always use a pretty label! Especially if the label is on top of a gorgeous container! This gal uses dollar store containers to make her kitchen organized, pretty and cost effective! Now that’s what I’m talking about!
Of course there’s always my glass spice bottles… or my friend Charlene’s frugal spice cabinet makeover! Good chance these will be incorporated!
Whew! Just looking at all those organized kitchens makes me want to rush out to buy some dollar store containers and under cabinet pull out drawers to get started! I can already tell it’s going to be fabulous!
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What was your favorite idea? Do you have any amazing tips I should check out while I’m organizing my new kitchen? Help a girl out!
Linking up with: I Heart Naptime!
Good morning! I enjoyed reading your post! I struggle with keeping my spice cabinet organized and these tips will definitely help me out!
Good morning sunshine! I’m so glad you enjoyed reading my post! Spices are so little it’s hard to keep them organized… that’s why I love Charlene’s frugal spice rack tips! I’m so glad the tips will help! Thanks for stopping by Janae!
I definitely can use all the help I can get when it comes to getting myself organized. Loving all of your tips.
For me getting organized is easy… It’s staying organized that’s hard! Thanks for stopping by!
This is an awesome post! Do you want to come organize my kitchen, please? 🙂
Of course I do! Haha! If I organized every person’s kitchen that read this post I would be organizing for a long time… which is find by me! I love to organize! Thanks for stopping by!
Love the measuring cups hanging. I can never find the right one, so this would be super helpful.
I love that tip! Mainly because I never can remember my measurements… It would be so helpful to have them right at my fingertips!
We have the same system working at my house. Don’t see the problem 😉
Haha! Another couple living in chaos! It’s crazy but kind of nice… You don’t have to worry about cleaning up every five seconds when there’s piles of stuff everywhere!
Oh, boy, you have no idea how much I need to do this. I love the measuring equivalents! You have totally inspired me to get organized!
I’m so glad! Sometimes a little inspiration is key! You’re so sweet… thanks for stopping by!
I bought these great clear containers from IKEA for all of my dry goods like flour, sugar, rice, etc. So nice. I’m buying drawer organizers the next time I go because my mixing spoon area is a hot mess.
I love the clear container look! I have three that I love… I’m thinking we need more for our pantry in the new house!
Great post thanks for sharing
Anytime Alex, Thanks for stopping by!
Great tips! Love the pictures!
Thanks for stopping by Angela! I’m glad you liked the pictures!
Some great ideas! I love the door with all the measurement cups inside! I would also love to have hanging pots and pans, but I have got no space for that at all unfortunately…
Aren’t the measuring cups adorable? The space it takes to hang pots and pans is the only thing holding me back… I’m hoping we have the space in our new house! Thanks for stopping by Tanya!
I definitely needed this! My kitchen is a mess. Can’t wait to start using this and organizing!
Messy kitchens are the worst! And they happen to all of us… so glad you found my tips useful! Thanks for stopping by Evi!
These are great ideas! I especially love the measuring cups/ conversion cabinet and the rack for cleaners. I think this would be perfect to give my (tiny) kitchen a little more space.
Adding storage can definitely give a tiny kitchen some extra space! I’m so glad you liked some of the tips! Thanks for stopping by Jessica!
These are great tips! Thank you for sharing. Im especially constantly having to rearrange under our kitchen sink. I’ll have to look into some of these suggestions.
Under the kitchen sink is pretty much my nemesis… so I completely understand! I’m glad you found the tips helpful… good luck!
Uhh, so many great ideas, totally want to do everything and make my kitchen the prettiest ever!1
That is the dream! One day at a time, don’t worry we’ll make it! Thanks for stopping by Sofia!
These are some great ideas! I need to get my pantry back in order soon. What I would give for a place to hang pots and pans!
Tell me about it! It always looks so cute and effortless…. Until I try it and then there isn’t enough space! Thanks for stopping by Miranda!
I SO needed to read this.. my kitchen is a big mess right now! Thanks for sharing these tips 🙂
I’m so glad you liked them, Thanks for stopping by Liz!
I’m so glad you liked it! Thanks for stopping by Liz!
Wow – that is just like my dream kitchen skills right there… eventually one day when I have my own place thats exactly what my place will be like!
Lari | http://www.simplyelegancebylari.com/
One day Lari! Keep working on it! Thanks for stopping by Lari!
You have no idea how much I needed this post! I love the idea of the chalkboard on the back of the cabinet! And my drawers are DESPERATE for organization! thanks!
I’m so glad you liked it! It’s so nice to know it helped… Thanks for stopping by!
My kitchen needs this so badly!
Tell me about it! Just take it one day at a time… We’ll make it! Thanks for stopping by!
WOW! This is impressive… can you come do my kitchen?? Great article!
Thanks, Emily http://www.freshpuresweet.com
I would love to! Haha! If only I could jump through the computer! Thanks for stopping by!
Such lovely organization photos. I need to give my kitchen a little TLC. Thanks for sharing!
Don’t we all? Thanks for stopping by Emma!
Great tips. If only I could use them with five kids in my back.
Oh honey, you’re in a whole different league! I don’t know how you find the time to read posts with 5 kids let alone organize! Thanks for stopping by!
I love all of these organization ideas, except one. Years ago we tried the pot hanging rack over the kitchen island thing because my husband really like the idea. Unfortunately we ended up with pots covered in dust. Everytime I took one down to use it I had to wash it first. So for pots I prefer a pot drawer 🙂
Similar to your move though, we just moved a few months ago, and I got to the point where I just kept unpacking boxes and put stuff everywhere with the plan to organize it later. Unpacking is the worst….
Unpacking is definitely the worst! Plus I am so impatient… So that doesn’t help! I never thought about dust being a problem… Sounds about right though!
I love organizing things, just wish I loved KEEPING them organized! 😉
That is definitely the hardest part! Especially when you don’t live in a bubble… you know with other people! Haha! It’s hard to keep things in their place!
That measuring cup organization is genius!!!
Isn’t it?! I can never remember the unit measurements! This would make it so much easier! Thank you for stopping by!
Loving some of these ideas!! I like the chalkboard because its super interchangeable! Great finds.
You’re so right! You could use it for menu’s, schedules… so many great ideas! Thanks for stopping by Sami!
Hey there’s my spice cabinet. Love it! Good luck unpacking and organizing.
It was a great post Charlene! Thanks for stopping by!
Very nice looking space! Mine is very simply decorated with lits of similar jars/bottle in the pantry.
I love the whole organized pantry thing! This is the first house I’ve even had a pantry… so we’ll see how it goes! Thanks for stopping by!
I HATE unpacking. It is a seemingly never-ending task. I wish you lots of luck! I need to read anything with “organize” in the title and your article was very helpful. I love the pull out drawer and measuring cup idea. My measuring cups are metal so I’m wondering how it would work- would they break some wine glasses if someone slammed the cabinet shut?
You hit it right on the head… never-ending! I feel like I’m going to be un-packing forever! I bet you could use cup-hooks (with deep hooks) or clips of some kind to hold your measuring cups… that way they wouldn’t fall off! Thanks for stopping by Lauren!
In our next kitchen I want high ceilings so I can hang our pots and pans over the island in the middle – I LOVE how that looks!
It’s so classy with a bit of an edge! I absolutely love decorating your kitchen with things you actually use! Thanks for stopping by Shannon!
OK, the measuring equivalents on the inside of cabinet doors? Brilliant! And I’m loving the pots and pans over an island, although I feel like I’d hit my head all the time because I’m just clumsy like that. Whoops!
Coming Up Roses
I never thought of that… I bet my hubby would hit his head all the time too! He is always hitting his head on low ceiling fans or light fixtures! Haha! Either way… it’s worth a try! I’m glad you loved the tips.. .thanks for stopping by Erica!
When it comes to my home organization has never been my strong suit. If my husband saw this he would print this out and post it on the fridge in hoping it would inspire me to organize the kitchen. 🙂 Thank you for the tips I will definitely try some of them out.
I love love love organizing… I guess I’m weird like that! The best part about all of these ideas is how easy they are! Start with something small… if your hubby likes the organization try to get him involved! It’s always fun to spend time together, even if it’s for organizing! Thanks for stopping by Esther!
I am so in love with what you did with the measuring cups and equivalents on the cabinet. I’m pinning that!
Isn’t that cute? I love how sweet the idea is! Thanks for stopping by Liz!
I love the hanging measuring cups!
I think everyone loves the measuring cups! It’s such a great idea! Thanks for stopping by Julia!
Great ideas! My kitchen needs an organization makeover!
An organization makeover… now that’s what the world needs! Thanks so much for stopping by Emily!
The kitchen is the one thing that has to stay in order and organized in my house. When it’s not, I feel like my entire day and life is unorganized.
I completely agree Chene! I haven’t been able to find my silverware for weeks (ugh unpacking!) it’s literally driving me nuts! I can’t wait to have everything unpacked and organized! Thanks for stopping by!
That idea for under the sink organization is brilliant! I have been collecting lots of ideas for kitchen organization since my fiancé and I are buying a house right now. Nothing bugs me more than an unorganized kitchen! I want to start off on the right foot at this house by setting up stuff like this to keep everything organized.
Congrats on buying your first house… that’s such a big step! I love those under the cabinet drawers! I have seen them under kitchen sinks and bathroom sinks! I’ve been looking for reasonably priced options for all my sinks! Thanks for stopping by Jenna!
It would be a dream to have a kitchen this organized! The hardest part about organization in a kitchen is making decisions about where things go. I find it’s easier once you’ve lived somewhere for at least 6 months and you’re settled into where you want things to go.
I completely agree… the only problem in my kitchen is that there’s like 2 cabinets! Haha! So not many choices on organizing! I can’t wait to have it all set up! Thanks for stopping by Madison!
I always love looking at kitchen tools and utensils hanging on the ceiling. I find those fancy cupboards pretty convenient too.
Function decor is always a win in the kitchen… Haha! Thanks for stopping by Channel!
Visiting from your Welcome Home Wednesday linky party. This post called out to me, I especially love the cupboard with the measuring cups and spoons. I will definitely be putting that on my dream home list 🙂