It’s time for a cruise planner spread! Planning on vacation tends to turn more into memory planning… especially on a cruise when you don’t have quite as many plans to get to everyday.
This sweet little cruise kit from Two Lil Bee’s was absolutely perfect for this week! I absolutely love the relaxing vibe that the stickers give off and the mix of decorative full boxes and blank full boxes fills up the space nicely without needing a lot of planning space.
Because this week there aren’t a lot of plans!
This particular cruise had quite a bit of downtime so while I did want to do a specific cruise themed spread the day to day planning was a bit less intense. In these cases a full box with writing space is the perfect solution for a bit of journaling space.
Since you can’t fit all the details of an entire day on one blank full box I did include a checklist each day to fill in all the different things we did. I also placed a small “little thing” sticker for each day to record our meals… dinner on the ship is always a-m-a-zing so I like to write down what we eat each day.
It’s fun to look back and remember!
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