This year will be the hubby and my second Christmas as a married couple! We’re still figuring out which family to visit and how to merge Christmas decorations (he likes a traditional red and green theme while I have a small bedroom filled with blue and silver decor!) so Christmas as a married couple is still fairly new for us. Most of my decor merges just fine from a single gal household to a family of two… but I’m having trouble finding one thing. Christmas stockings! I can’t seem to find a set I truly love… and if I do find a set it’s too darn expensive!
I don’t know about y’all but my money tree hasn’t started growing yet.
I thought we found the solution last year when I came across a perfect set of stockings at Marshall’s… I absolutely loved them but by the time I pulled the trigger to buy them they were gone! Luck of the draw I guess… it just wasn’t meant to be!
So today I’m taking a look at all the stocking options I can find… let’s do this thing!
Snow Leopard Faux Fur Stocking from Pier 1
I am absolutely loving the faux fur trend right now… it’s fuzzy and warm! Fake fur makes me think of wrapping up in a cozy blanket by a fire while the snow falls outside… totally Christmas! I’ve looked at quite a few faux fur stockings and loved them… but I’m afraid it’s too much of a trend and I won’t love it in several years.
My ultimate-favorite-slipped-through-my-fingers stockings from last year had a faux fur trim at the top and a knitted bottom… PERFECTION! It’s also a white unicorn… I haven’t found any knitted/fur stockings since!
Faux Fur Stocking – Stone White from West Elm
Ikat Dot Lined Trimmed Christmas Stocking from Wayfair
This guy is my token red and white stocking… I don’t typically like red! Y’all know that… but this guy is so cute! I love the fur ruff and the ikat polka dots! I know the hubby wants a little bit of red and green scattered about so maybe I could compromise with this guy?
Velvet Classic Christmas Stocking in Shimmer Steel from Wayfair
There’s something about a velvet stocking that says old time Christmas to me… it gives that classic feel. This grey and white version could be dressed up with a little trip or stocking bling for a festive touch!
Linen Natural Band Christmas Stocking from Wayfair
Okay y’all… this one has pom pom trim! I am absolutely loving the pom pom trend going on right now and it’s just awesome enough to be rustic glam. Of course there’s no glitter or sparkles on this baby…. so we’d have to go with stocking holders that were a bit bling-bling.
Jingle Velvet Stockings $19.99 for 1 or $54.99 for 2 from West Elm
Okay so these grey and white stockings aren’t exactly for sale… they’re a DIY from the gal over at Fynes Designs! Of course they’re absolutely gorgeous and coordinating without being matchy matchy… so they might be the perfect option!
Squirrel Knit Stocking from from Overstock
Okay y’all… there’s squirrels on this one. Honestly that might be enough to tip the scales! 😉 I like how vintage this guy is… I worry he’s a little too rustic for my sparkly, glitter-infested glamorous Christmas though! Too much burlap and not enough rhinestones? Where did I put my bedazzler anyways?
That was a joke y’all… you don’t have to worry about the safety of these little squirrels. If they get bedazzled it won’t be by me!
Alright y’all… you’ve seen all the options! There really are more than enough stockings here to make any gal happy! Which is your favorite?
The Socking Were Hung During
[…] Christmas Stockings were Hung by the Chimney with Care – Happily Ever After, Et […]