Ever since I joined Pinterest I have become a mad stalker of gorgeous photography. I love looking at all of the pretty pictures of families, babies, engagements, weddings, and anniversary’s! Basically any occasion you can come up with for taking gorgeous professional pictures? I’m all for it!
When we got married last year we had wedding pictures, engagement pictures and proposal pictures! I made it very clear to my husband that proposal pictures were a must… I am not subtle and the man can take a hint!
So as you can probably assume I am so excited to have an excuse to take MORE pictures! That’s right our One Year Wedding Anniversary! Our actual anniversary is May 17th but if you’ve been following along you know that this anniversary is going to last all summer! I mean we already celebrated once when my hubby surprised me with a getaway weekend to Atlanta, tickets to Wicked and the most uncomfortable hotel bed ever.
However I have been planning to take one year anniversary pictures… well if we’re being honest since before we were married ;). I had planned to take them closer to our anniversary but a good friend of my mother’s is a professional photographer… and he offered to take them for free. This weekend. Yes please! He asked us what type of pictures we were looking for and I had just a bit *ahem* of inspiration pinned away… 😉
I can’t wait! My favorite part? Since we’re taking pictures with a friend of my mom’s we’ve decided to go crazy and take not just regular pictures but pictures with the dress! I am so excited I can hardly wait.
I first got the idea years ago when I saw the picture above somewhere online. It’s not a wedding photo… it’s a one year anniversary photo! The couple in the photo put on their wedding finery and had an intimate photo shoot in their backyard to celebrate their one year mark… my favorite part?! She gets to wear her dress again! Yup, we are sooooo doing that.
I honestly can’t wait! Our “photo shoot” is tomorrow and instead of sleeping I am awake (at 11:46 pm) writing this post… because I’m just to excited to sleep y’all!
Have any of you taken one year anniversary pictures in your wedding duds? Was it fabulous? Let me know!
Psst… if you want to see more pictures I like check out my Pinterest board:
Follow Betsy Smith’s board A Moment in Time: Wedding Photos on Pinterest.
Linking up with: Tatertots & Jello